The Old Stone Gallery, Greensville, Ontario, Canada

Checking out Websters Falls, Greensville, Ontario, Canada

In the 19th Century, the Crooks Hollow Industrial Area was a hive of industry with 9 different mills drawing power from Spencer Creek. With water flowing from the Christie Conservation area at a rapid rate on its way to Spencer Gorge via Websters Falls, one can see why this stretch attracted so many mills.

Of course, those days are long gone, as are the mills. In fact the only mill building still standing is The Old Stone Gallery which was the blanket dye house for Clark's Woollen Mill. Situated on slightly higher ground, it escaped the flash flood of 1938 that wiped out the main mill building which straddled the creek. Remnants of the foundation stones can still be seen from the footbridge that now crosses the creek just past the Gallery parking lot.

Being close to the soothing burble of water rushing along Spencer Creek is nothing compared with Websters Falls when the Spring run-off is in full throttle. The water thunders over the falls on its way through Spencer Gorge. If you feel energetic enough you can climb down an iron stairway and then some stone steps to reach the area near the bottom of the falls. Clamber over some boulders and you can get really close to the actual Falls.

In the winter time, this being Canada, Websters Falls freezes as can be seen in these pictures.

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